United States Head of Family Martial Arts Association
Mission Statement
The USHOFMAA is dedicated to the preservation and passing on to our members, the history, philosophy, ethical and moral standard, training and tradition of all martial arts. To accomplish this mission the USHOFMAA has established the following programs: Education, Training, Fellowship and Awards to benefit its members.
The USHOFMAA Education Program is designed to preserve the spirit and essence of all martial arts. This will be accomplished through workshops, newsletters, seminars, demonstrations and other formats designed for members.
Our Educational Goals are:
* To maintain and pass-on the knowledge, skills, and wisdom which were handed down to us.
* To educate members about the rich tradition and historic origins of all martial arts.
* To help members understand the ethical and moral obligation of martial arts.
* To help members understand the proper etiquette which all martial artist should demonstrate.
The USHOFMAA Training Program is designed to provide our membership with a rich variety of training opportunities. Under the guidance and approval of USHOFMAA the members will have input in designing the content of their belt/sash requirements and creating their unique black belt/sash.
Our Training Goals Are:
* Provide training opportunities in all styles.
*To provide workshops, clinics and demonstrations from local masters and masters from around the world.
* To provide members the opportunity of customizing their training.
To provide members training under different masters and at different schools.
* To provide training at all levels from beginner to master.
* To establish a set of standardized martial arts tournament rules.
Fellowship is the most important aspect of the USHOFMAA it is the foundation for the association's success. The best way to teach fellowship and brotherhood is by example.
Our Fellowship Goals Are:
* To support all USHOFMAA founding members and Executive Advisory Board Members.
* For each founding member to give a minimum of one seminar yearly for USHOFMAA members
* For each founding members to write a minimum of two articles yearly for the newsletter.
* To participate in all USHOFMAA sanctioned events.
* To participate in all USHOFMAA demonstrations.
* To attend and support all founding members and executive advisory board members events and assist whenever possible. (open house, grand openings, tournaments, etc.)
The USHOFMAA Awards Program is designed to recognize all martial artists and supporters of the martial arts for their contributions to the art. The USHOFMAA Awards Program will honor both the artist who specializes and excels in one aspect of their art and the person who develops a more rounded approach to their art.